Decoding ' DO EPIC SHIT' with key takeaways


Decoding The do epic shit

Do epic shit is the best seller currently, an amazing book by Ankur warikoo .

Ankur warikoo is an entrepreneur, teacher, content creator, life coach and my digital mentor.

In this blog we will take insights from few of the chapters of do epic shit, but before we get started, I just want to mention that this book is really free flowing and can be read from whichever page the reader really wishes to as we know ‘the teacher just shows up when the student is ready’.

The following are my key takeaways and may be different from someone else.

Chapter 1: success (and failure)


What Ankur really emphasized upon this chapter title was not really his life outcomes on success and failures from his childhood but rather his life experiences and learnings which constructed his judgements around success and failure.

Here are few of the best quotes and lessons from this chapter:

1.      “Others success will generate massive self-doubt every morning when you wake up.

Get up anyway”

I’ve personally read this quote in a lot of different post by him in different social media handles and this monologue is the harsh truth of life Ankur wants us to understand. to some level we all suffer from envy, self-doubt, insecurities, pessimism from other achievements but we can’t let go of life and ourselves in such hard times, instead just keep on working anyway who knows the journey ahead is worth it.


2.      “The biggest misconception people have is that they are the odd one out and everyone else is sorted! “

I think one of the most relatable lines for all of us, we all most of our time judge other with their actions that most probably they are sorted and especially happy in their life.

But its when you talk to them, sooner or later you will realize that they are also in some of their dilemma and of course not sorted at all.


3.      “We have just one life.

Why live it with just one identity?”

The best example is the author itself, as I mentioned earlier Ankur is an entrepreneur at least but so much at most.

We have one life.

We don’t need to be one person.


4.      “The pro is the amateur who showed up everyday”

   Many a times its not that we were not made for something and that’s why we lost, also to be good at anything you need to give that skill a certain amount of time.

A time which you could have spent wasting on something not productive at all, but instead you choose to use it for practicing, even when nothing seemed like it was working. this separates a pro from an amateur and that’s what loving the process means.

Remember the pro is the one who chose discipline.

5.      “don’t measure how valuable you are by the way you are treated”

No one will treat you well, because they wish to.

You measured your worth one these bases, means you are working according to their wish.

  You get to choose who you listen to and even if nobody treats you well start from you own self.

You will see the change yourself.

6.      “Whatever you are feeling today will fade away”

Our emotions and feelings are temporary, we think they are permanent.

There is a difference between ‘how you are feeling ‘and ‘you are that feeling’

Many a times we say, “I am sad”, “I’m happy” and feel most probably we will remain as such for the rest of our life, but the reality is its just a feeling and not the result.

So, the next time you feel anyway, you can try say “I’m feeling happy or sad right now”, you will see instant change.

7.      “You don’t find your passion; you grow your passion”

Passion is the nudge that refuses to leave you, till the time you nurture it daily.

The whole internet is filled with “how to find to find your passion in ___ minutes !!!!”

The reality is we all have some or the other nudges and deep love for things, but we just haven’t embraced it and instead are looking externally for finding already know answer.

8.   “3 relationship that define almost everything that happens to us in our lives:

·        The relationship we have with money.

·        The relationship we have with time.

·        The relationship we have with ourselves”.

I think it is more of a truth than an opinion.

These are our priorities we should really work upon in our lives.




These were few of the best take aways form the chapter: success (and failure) and there are more parts to come.


Feel free to comment down your favorite quote or lesson, any other lesson I haven’t covered in this blog.








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