frog having claws like wolverine : amazing facts part 2

Can you believe a frog which can use clawn to attack someone.
Guss the price of an Airforce helmet how much can it really cost ??

Lets start today with

fact #10 Samsung noodles bussiness
In 1938 then Samsung company which was famous in tanks manufacture was also involved in production of noodles.
Finally its bussiness boomed in electronics.

Fact #9 Oligodynamic effect of door knob
By reading the effect looks really boring but its true that we all feel door knobs are usually  home for many bacterias due to its frequent use .
But the fact is that its not really true because the knobs are made up of such a material which has inbuilt property to kill all the bacterias with time.

Facts #8 Longest  Wedding Veil
Wedding veil that the brides wear in western marriges.
  A woman holds the record of wearing the longest veil of almost 7 km long.

Fact #7 KFC Brand blunder

Brand blunders means by mistake some wrong translation of any company's tagline in some other language.
So the fact is that the most controversial brand blunder was of the KFC company when the company was launched in China.
The company translator by mistake translated the wrong tagline. 
original tagline -Its finger lickin good
Wrong tagline - eat your fingers off

Fact #6 Average price of Airfaorce helmet
Its really amazing to know the price of Airforce's helmet which is on an average 2.5 Crore INR.
So much money is spent for such a small thing.

Fact #5 Husband storage room in china

Usually it is recognised that at the time of shopping its really irritating for husband to go with their wife to supermarkets and mall.
But this problem is also solved by a Chinese Mall in which there are seperate husband storage rooms which looks like the below image you can see.👇
fact #4 It takes just 7 minutes on an average to fall asleep for a person.

fact #3 Smile mask syndrome
in Osaka women's University it was observed that students are facing depression and illness due to prolonged unnatural smile made by them while serving in hotels and resturants .
This illness was named Smile masked Syndrome .

fact #2 the apartment
Did you know?
Eiffel tower which was built by Gustave Eiffel also built a secret apartment in it .
It was not open for any one at that time but he invited Thomas Edison in the apartment .

fact #1 Wolverine frog
Its hard to believe but it there is a species of frog which have the ability to take out claws by breaking the bones.
It uses the claws to fight or defend itsself.


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